Water-ForCE (Water Scenarios for Copernicus Exploitation) is a project dedicated to defining the future of inland water services for the future Copernicus.
The consortium gathers a scientific partnership that collects the needs of the public and private sectors of the core Copernicus Program to develop the roadmap for the water component of the future Copernicus services. The Roadmap will provide a user and stakeholder driven concept for water services (water quantity, water quality, hydrological parameters, ice, snow, etc.), by assessing the existing and emerging needs, the opportunities presented by the current and future technical capabilities of satellite and in situ sensors, and addressing the current disconnects between remote sensing, in situ observations and modelling communities
Water-ForCE has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101004186.
isardSAT is contributing with its deep knowledge of the hydrology products and leading the project outreach, dissemination and communication activities.
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